

Here at KwikSweep of office clearance service leaves you with a clean tidy work space so you can get on with your day.

From smog to landfill, it is obvious that London needs a clean-up. We all know it. Yet no one is taking on responsibility.

Throughout the city, much has been said about how to reduce waste at home, but what about waste in the workplace or office?

London is full of offices, whose copiers, computers, and coffee machines have a huge impact on the environment. Office waste perhaps, then, this is where we should start reducing waste. Hence, here are a few ways KwikSweep encourages local business to reduce their office waste.

Paper, cardboard, and ink

 Most, if not all, offices rely on enormous quantities of paper. Thus, if we are to save our city, as well as our planet, this is where we should start.

Print on both sides of paper.

Setting a printer to print double-sided will cut an office’s paper consumption in half.

Instead of throwing paper away, shred it, and use it as packing material. Likewise, when you get shipments in, reuse boxes as often as you can.

Place recycling bins in your office, preferably near desks or printers. If your local council does not recycle, appoint a person to bring paper to a recycling centre.

Buy smart.

Only buy paper with a high percentage of recycled content. Provide air dryers in bathrooms to reduce paper towel waste. Buy refilled cartridges for your printers!


Equipment and computers

Investing on high-end equipment and using it appropriately can drastically cut an office’s carbon footprint. Here is how.

Buy lasting equipment.

When purchasing office equipment, buy things that will last. This way, your office will not need new equipment often, and it will not contribute to manufacturing waste.

Unplug equipment when not in use.

Encourage staff to shut down and unplug copiers, computers, and printers every evening. This will save you money, and will also help you save the planet.

Sleep mode on.

Set your PCs to go to sleep when not in use. This can cut energy consumption by up to 70 percent.

Small monitors!

Invest on small monitors. A monitor’s energy consumption can be cut by up to 30 percent if screen size is reduced by two inches.


Everything else

An office is more than paper, desks, and computers. Think outside the box when trying to cut your carbon footprint.

Buy local.

Offices need coffee and, in the UK, tea. If you provide these, be sure that both are local and/or organic, so as to reduce your environmental impact.

Doing the dishes…

Use reusable dishes, silverware, and glasses. This will have a huge impact on reducing the amount of waste you produce.

Organise transportation.

Encourage employees to walk or bike to work. Offer bonuses to green commuters. Create a carpool program and offer bike parking. All such prompts can allow your office to work in a “green” way/


If possible, install solar panels. Clean energy is the best way to cut our carbon footprint, allowing your office to stand out as an environmental model.


Here at KwikSweep, we do our part. Our offices offer recycling bins, our office staff avoids using their cars to commute, and most of our work is done electronically.

Follow our tips, and join us in our quest to reduce


Planet Earth will thank you.

Contact KwikSweep for may office clearance needs for a free quote, whether its a single item or full bulky office waste removal.


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