

The short answer is yes. But do you know how? or why? or what even is microplastic?

If you thought of answering “no” to any of these questions, then you should probably read these next few lines.

Start by thinking about all your clothing made of acrylic, polyester, and nylon. These can be fleece, trousers, socks, or even your running shorts. Every time you wash these fabrics, millions of microfibers are released into the water.

Microfibers are so small that they cannot be filtered out by waste treatment plants, and they end up in our waterways and oceans, where they damage the environment and kill marine life.

At KwikSweep, we specialise in waste collection and removal, but we believe in raising awareness about microplastic.

So, here are a few tips on how you can reduce your microplastic waste:

  • Wash your clothes less frequently and for a shorter duration. This will prevent microfibers from being released into the water in large quantities.
  • Fill up your washing machine! Washing a full load will result in less friction, and less fibres released.
  • Switch to a liquid laundry soap. Often, powder soaps end up loosening more microfibers.
  • Use a colder wash setting. Colder temperatures will not damage your clothes as much, and will release less fibres into the water.
  • SPEAK UP! Let your favourite brands and designer know about this issue, and tell them to choose natural fabrics that are less prone to shedding.
  • Raise awareness! Tell your family and friends about the problem.
  • Do not purchase “fast fashion” clothes. These are often made with fabrics that deteriorate easily.
  • Buy clothes made from natural fibres. Natural fibres break down in the environment, and will not endanger marine life.

Do like KwikSweep, follow these advices, and contribute to making the world a cleaner place!

If, however, you are also concerned about waste on your property, or business, get in touch with us. Our team will always be happy to deal with any inquiry

From WEEE to hazardous waste, we endeavour to collect and dispose of all junk in as much an eco-friendly way as possible.

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